Mac Fehler Codes (0 bis -99)

Category: System, Color Table, Input/Ouput, Disk, Ports,
                            Clock, and AppleTalk

General System Errors (VBL Mgr, Queue)

 0 noErr 0 for success
 0 smNotTruncated No truncation necessary
-1 qErr queue element not found during deletion
-1 smTruncErr Truncation indicator alone is wider than the specified
-2 vTypErr invalid queue element
-3 corErr core routine number out of range
-4 unimpErr unimplemented core routine
-5 SlpTypeErr invalid queue element
-8 seNoDB no debugger installed to handle debugger command

Color Manager Errors

 -9  iTabPurgErr from Color2Index/ITabMatch
-10 noColMatch from Color2Index/ITabMatch
-11 qAllocErr from MakeITable
-12 tblAllocErr from MakeITable
-13 overRun from MakeITable
-14 noRoomErr from MakeITable
-15 seOutOfRange from SetEntry
-16 seProtErr from SetEntry
-17 i2CRangeErr from SetEntry
-18 gdBadDev from SetEntry
-19 reRangeErr from SetEntry
-20 seInvRequest from SetEntry
-21 seNoMemErr from SetEntry

I/O System Errors

-17 controlErr Driver can't respond to Control call
-18 statusErr Driver can't respond to Status call
-19 readErr Driver can't respond to Read call
-20 writErr Driver can't respond to Write call
-21 badUnitErr Driver ref num doesn't match unit table
-22 unitEmptyErr Driver ref num specifies NIL handle in unittable
-23 openErr Requested read/write permission doesn't match driver'sopen
      permission, or Attempt to open RAM serialDriver failed
-24 closErr Close failed; Permission to close .MPP driver wasdenied
-25 dRemovErr tried to remove an open driver
-26 dInstErr DrvrInstall couldn't find driver in resources
-27 abortErr IO call aborted by KillIO; Publisher has writtena new
-27 iIOAbortErr IO abort error (Printing Manager)
-28 notOpenErr Couldn't rd/wr/ctl/sts cause driver not opened
-29 unitTblFullErr Unit table has no more entries
-30 dceExtErr dce extension error

File System Errors

-33 dirFulErr Directory full
-34 dskFulErr Disk full
-35 nsvErr No such volume; volume not found
-36 ioErr I/O error
-37 bdNamErr Bad file name; there may be no bad names in thefinal
-38 fnOpnErr File not open
-39 eofErr End of file; no additional data in the format
-40 posErr Tried to position to before start of file (r/w)
-41 mFulErr Memory full (open) or file won't fit (load)
-42 tmfoErr too many files open
-43 fnfErr File not found; Folder not found; Edition containernot
      found; Target not found
-44 wPrErr Disk is write-protected; Volume is locked throughhardware
-45 fLckdErr File is locked
-45 fLckedErr Publisher writing to an edition
-46 vLckdErr Volume is locked through software
-47 fBsyErr File is busy (delete); Section doing I/O
-48 dupFNErr Duplicate filename (rename); File found insteadof folder
-49 opWrErr File already open with write permission
-50 paramErr Error in user parameter list
-51 rfNumErr Reference number invalid
-52 gfpErr Get file position error
-53 volOffLinErr Volume is off line
-54 permErr Software lock on file; Not a subscriber [permissionserror
      on file open]
-55 volOnLinErr drive volume already on-line at MountVol
-56 nsDrvErr no such drive (tried to mount a bad drive num)
-57 noMacDskErr not a Macintosh disk (sig bytes are wrong)
-58 extFSErr External file system __ file system identifieris nonzero
-59 fsRnErr file system internal error: during rename the oldentry was
      deleted but could not be restored.
-60 badMDBErr bad master directory block
-61 wrPermErr Write permissions error; Not a publisher

Font Manager Errors

-64 fontDecError error during font declaration
-65 fontNotDeclared font not declared
-66 fontSubErr font substitution occurred

Disk, Serial Ports, Clock Specific Errors

-64 lastDskErr
-64 noDriveErr drive not installed
-65 offLinErr r/w requested for an off-line drive
-66 noNybErr couldn't find 5 nybbles in 200 tries
-67 noAdrMkErr couldn't find valid addr mark
-68 dataVerErr read verify compare failed
-69 badCksmErr addr mark checksum didn't check
-70 badBtSlpErr bad addr mark bit slip nibbles
-71 noDtaMkErr couldn't find a data mark header
-72 badDCksum bad data mark checksum
-73 badDBtSlp bad data mark bit slip nibbles
-74 wrUnderrun write underrun occurred
-75 cantStepErr step handshake failed
-76 tk0BadErr track 0 detect doesn't change
-77 initIWMErr unable to initialize IWM
-78 twoSideErr tried to read 2nd side on a 1-sided drive
-79 spdAdjErr unable to correctly adjust disk speed
-80 seekErr track number wrong on address mark
-81 sectNFErr sector number never found on a track
-82 fmt1Err can't find sector 0 after track format
-83 fmt2Err can't get enough sync
-84 verErr track failed to verify
-84 firstDskErr
-85 clkRdErr unable to read same clock value twice
-86 clkWrErr time written did not verify
-87 prWrErr parameter RAM written didn't read-verify
-88 prInitErr InitUtil found the parameter RAM uninitialized
-89 rcvrErr SCC receiver error (framing, parity, OR)
-90 breakRecd Break received (SCC)

AppleTalk Errors

-91 ddpSktErr Error opening socket
-91 eMultiErr Invalid address or table is full
-92 ddpLenErr Data length too big
-92 eLenErr Packet too large or first entry of the write-datastructure
      didn't contain the full 14-byte header
-93 noBridgeErr No router available [for non-local send]
-94 lapProtErr error in attaching/detaching protocol
-94 LAPProtErr Protocol handler is already attached, node'sprotocol
      table is full, protocol not attached,or protocol handler pointer
      was not 0
-95 excessCollsns Hardware error [excessive collisions on write]
-97 portInUse driver Open error code (port is in use)
-98 portNotCf driver Open error code (parameter RAM not configuredfor
      this connection)
-99 memROZErr hard error in ROZ
-99 memROZError hard error in ROZ
-99 memROZWarn soft error in ROZ